Cyberstarlet’s sculpture
Title: Leap of Consciousness
My inspiration to create this sculpture is rooted in depicting the feeling of peace, freedom and harmony. It’s title “Leap of Consciousness” implying awareness of our interconnectedness with all life. To become conscious - "Sentio Ergo Sum" *) - "I feel therefore I am". By feeling empathy, we are able to connect with others and the world around us.
The Leap of Consciousness represents a moment of feeling peace with oneself surrendering to deeper awareness. Peace is a reflection of your most inner state of being. Through meditation one may feel centred, grounded, open and aware. By finding inner peace we may become conscious of our interconnectedness with all life. By feeling at peace we may be able to be compassionate with others. As Albert Einstein once said, “Our task must be to widen our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” We all share a common emotional and spiritual intelligence with all beings on Earth.
By tuning into peace energy, we are surrounded by harmony. This feeling of peace and harmony goes hand in hand with experiencing freedom of mind, freedom of existing and accepting who we are. There’s ongoing work to do as we are growing and evolving in life, whether this be on an individual or generational basis. Shedding old behaviour and attitudes or cultures that are destructive and thus aren’t needed anymore can be hard work. Through meditation and yoga practices we are able to delve deep within ourselves discovering new spaces and creating new awareness.
Life is about expanding consciousness. Through our interactions energies are exchanged, we manifest and grow with experiences. We reflect each other. I see you in me. I see me in you. It’s like seeing oneself in a mirror which allows us to grow in developing empathy and awareness on different levels. By sending love, peace, happiness, freedom, respect and acceptance we're sending these energies back to ourselves. May your life path be guided and blessed with peace, love and harmony.
*) "Cogito ergo sum" meaning, "I think, therefore I am" is a philosophical Latin statement proposed by René Descartes in the 17th century. This expression implies that the simple thought of wondering about one's existence is proof of one's existence. However we may never fully become aware of being alive by thinking. Through experience and by feeling we are connected wholly. "Sentio Ergo Sum" - "I feel therefore I am". By feeling empathy, we are able to connect with others.
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Cyberstarlet‘s Drawing and Paintings
Title: Anima Mundi - World Soul - Alma del Mundo - Âme du Monde - Weltseele
Interconnectedness describes it all. This drawing tells the story of spiritual and biological connection between all life on Earth. The trees symbolising the lungs of the earth - oxygen providing and life supporting. As life is born and vanishes - energies come into being and leave biologically speaking through the body. Perhaps our spirits are living on. The whole life experience is part of one super organism, world consciousness or world soul that each being is part of.
Reference in other cultures:
"The World Soul (Greek: psyche tou pantós; Latin: Anima mundi) is, according to several systems of thought, an intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet, which relates to our world in much the same way as the soul is connected to the human body. The idea originated with Plato and was an important component of most Neoplatonic systems: Therefore, we may consequently state that: this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence ... a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related.[1]
The Stoics believed it to be the only vital force in the universe. Similar concepts also hold in systems of eastern philosophy in the Brahman-Atman of Hinduism, and in the School of Yin-Yang, Taoism, and Neo-Confucianism as qi.
Other resemblances can be found in the thoughts of hermetic philosophers like Paracelsus, and by Baruch Spinoza, Gottfried Leibniz and by Friedrich Schelling (1775-1854). There are also similarities with ideas developed since the 1960s by Gaia theorists such as James Lovelock."
Reference [1]: ^ Plato, Timaeus, 29/30; 4th century BCE
Medium: Pencil on paper
Date: 11/02/2011
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Cyberstarlet‘s Animation
Title: Snail Snack
Inspired by her friend's appetite for salt n' vinegar crisps
Length: 1:34 min
Date: 2006
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Cyberstarlet‘s Music and Audio Work
In addition to her visual and poetic work, Cyberstarlet presents her music, which is ranging from pop ("Stop Messin"), house ("Thinkin") and ambient music ("Angel") to experimental audio pieces depicting William Blake's poetry of "The Sick Rose" and a song composed from the view of William Blake in modern times titled “Glow".
Angel (Ambient)
The Sick Rose (William Black, musical poem interpretation)
Category: Ambient, R & B, House, Experimental
Date: 2000 - 2007

Cyberstarlet's Poetry
Title: Love made in Heaven
Cyberstarlet's poetry guides you through an inner journey of self-discovery, emotional insights, dreaming, nature, unraveling experiences, forgiveness, love and resolution. This poetic journey is a form of inner transformation.
Cyberstarlet‘s Photography and Film
Title: Impressions of a journey to the rainforests
Wildlife photography collection of tropical rainforests in Peru and Brazil, as well as a short film about meeting Taita Querubin and the Cofan tribe in Columbia - watch this space!
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