We have recently been running the Whale of a Time Workshop at the London Green Fair - London's biggest green event, and at the Dagenham community launch event at Beam Parklands, which is an award-winning wetland that has recenlty won a top national award - The CIWEM Living Wetlands Award. Stay tuned for upcoming workshops at Beam Parklands. We have also participated in Eco City Living at Barnard Park organised by Islington Council to engage the community in nature through hands-on activities and lot of fun. We had an epic workshop at the Green Gathering at beautiful Chepstow in Wales and the most beautiful workshop right next to the sea making endangered marine species at Coastal Capers as part of the "Living Seas" Programme organised by the Norfolk Wildlife Trust. Please view photos and videos in the Whale of a Time Gallery. You may also read our full reviews including comments of organisers and participants in our June and July reviews.
In this Whale of a Time Review you will find information about Whale of a Time Workshops in August at Gaunt's House Summer Gathering which was organised by Richard Glyn Charitable Foundation Ltd.
You will also have the opportunity do your bit and sign petitions to stop the Belo Monte Monster Dam in Brazil in the Amazon, stop the illegal trade in wild macaques, supported by award-winning film director Patrick Rouxel, who has recently joined the Whale of a Time Community, and other petitions to stop the trade in wild dolphins and save the Amazon Rainforest.
It was great to see you at our Whale of a Time Workshops at Gaunt's House Summer Gathering.
Whale of a Time Workshops Review in August 2011
Gaunt's House Summer Gathering
organised by
Richard Glyn Charitable Foundation Ltd.
12th & 13th August 2011
13:30 pm to 17:30 pm
@ Gaunts House, Petersham Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 4JQ
Check out Gaunt's House website at www.gauntshouse.com
View Google Map
We had an absolutely wonderful time at Gaunt's House Summer Gathering. The gathering was truely unique and it is one of its kind and there is nothing like it anywhere else in the UK. A huge variety of amazing workshops, talks and therapies - something for everyone! The community of visitors and guests felt like a huge family reunion in a beautiful relaxing environment with lots to learn and get involved with. During the Whale of a Time Workshops we found that the kids have an amazing wealth of knowledge, which we could share and nourish whilst modelling endangered species in clay. Lot's of positive and pro-active energy in a very inspiring environment.
Participants Comments included:
"A real fun family time! Thank you!"
"It was brilliant and we loved getting dirty, thanks!"
"Had a great time, relaxing atmosphere."
"Very nice friendly people and very helpful."
"Excellent workshop, great fun for children and adults!"
"It was very fun and creative. I really had a great time and would recommend to all ages!"
"Very fun and interesting to learn about endangered species. Thank you!"
"Thank you! a fantastic project with big love! Keep on doing what you do!"
Read more comments...
View photos at Gaunt's House Summer Gathering 2011
The Summer Gathering is a long established and family-friendly event. There have been internationally renowned guest speakers, stalls, delicious food, therapies, sauna, craft demonstrations, outdoor swimming pool, live music on three stages plus many exciting workshops.
Gaunts House is the home of the Richard Glyn Charitable Foundation Ltd., a registered UK educational charity (no: 1120688) which is dedicated to Profound Learning - a phrase to describe the way we each may consciously reach into the depths of our innermost nature in order to evolve safe, positive, fruitful and loving lives.
Whale of a Time won the London region of the NHS Lambeth Community Wellbeing Competition 2010 and Making a Big Difference Award 2010, and was nominated for the London Peace Award 2010, the Archant London Business Award 2010 and the Archant London Environmental Awards 2009.
Find out more information about the Whale of a Time Workshop and the Whale of a Time Programme.
Watch this space for Upcomming Whale of a Time Workshops! Join our workshop at your local community events and make your unique endangered species in clay!
Read about previous workshops including photos, videos and comments at Whale of a Time Reviews
Make yourself heard and sign following petitions to change someone's life
Stop the Belo Monte Monster Dam!

"This is a tragic day for the Amazon," said Atossa Soltani, executive director of Amazon Watch.
São Paulo, Brazil – Brazil's environmental agency gave final approval on Wednesday for a giant hydroelectric power plant in the Amazon rain forest that has been at the center of a protracted battle between the government and environmentalists over the fate of indigenous people.
Please sign Amazon petition
Topeng Monyet, or dancing monkeys - illegal trade in wild macaques
Patrick Rouxel is a Whale of a Time Artist. You can watch Patrick's latest film to raise awareness of illegal trade in wild macaques by clicking on the image (right). Find out more about Patrick Rouxel and his second latest and award-winning film Green in the Whale of a Time Community.
Topeng Monyet, or dancing monkeys, is a particularly cruel practice where juvenile macaques are forced to perform (dance, ride bicycles, wear masks) in the crowded and busy streets of Jakarta. An illegal trade in wild macaques that are captured from the wild has built up around the phenomena known as Topeng Monyet.
Please sign the macaques petition
Save the Saddest Dolphins
The pod was swimming peacefully in the Solomon Islands when nets closed in from behind -- trapping 25 wild dolphins for a luxury resort's latest exhibit. They are now locked in tiny pens, starved of food -- but we can free them.
Please sign Dolphin petition
World to Dilma: Save the Amazon
The Amazon is in serious danger. The lower house of the Brazilian congress has approved a gutting of Brazil’s forest protection laws. Unless we act now vast tracts of our planet’s lungs could be opened up to clear cutting devastation.
Please sign Amazon petition
Become a "Friend of the Whale" by joining the Whale of a Time Community and help raise awareness of our beautiful planet while having a whale of a time!
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Have a whale of a time! :)
Your Whale of a Time Community
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