Whale of a Time was the London region winner in the Future Friendly Awards 2011, which recognises great environmental efforts and community projects across the UK and Ireland. Due to amazing public support Whale of a Time topped in the popularity stakes getting more votes than any other nominated project. Read more at Whale of a Time Awards
Whale of a Time at Future Friendly Awards 2011, The London Wetland Centre
Whale of a Time is delighted to announce to have been nominated for the London Peace Awards 2011, which recognises Londoners who have made a significant contribution to safety in the capital. This event forms part of the Annual London Week of Peace 2011. Read more at Whale of a Time Awards
View photos of Whale of a Time at Peace Awards 2011, City Hall, London
In October we had a Whale of a Time at the Explorers Club organised by the National Association of Gifted Children - NAGC, and Beam Parklands Community Events organised by Barking & Dagenham Council.
In September we had a Whale of a Time at Redbridge Peace Concert, where we won a trophy for best sustainable business / organisation, The Mayor's Thames Festival, Redbridge Carnival and The Green Roadshow arriving in Barking & Dagenham. View September Whale Review.
We also filmed these events. Whale of a Time Workshop videos coming soon in the Whale of a Time Gallery! - Stay tuned and get updates when videos are uploaded by subscribing to the Whale Mail!
In this Whale Mail you will also have the opportunity do your bit and sign a petition to stop the Belo Monte Monster Dam in Brazil in the Amazon or for the Rights of Mother Earth and many other petitions.
Herts Explorers Club
organised by NAGC National Association for Gifted Children
2nd October (Sun)
14:30 pm to 16:30 pm
Members only
It's been absolutely wonderful working with the NAGC Explorers' Club. The Whale of a Time Workshop provided gifted children with an opportunity to meet together with like-minded young people, to explore environmental issues and endangered species and to develop important creative life skills.
Organiser's Comments included:
Sue Landaw said, "Thank you very much, on behalf of the children and parents who came along to our Explorers Club on Sunday 2nd October, for taking the time and trouble to make the afternoon so successful.
The evaluation forms have now been collated, and your activity was extremely
well received by everyone. It received nearly all ones, meaning very enjoyable/super,
and several twos, meaning very good.
We received lots of great comments – they included:"
“Whole thing was excellent”
“I had lots of fun when I was making the animals”
“Very good afternoon with interesting things to learn”
“Really good fun!”
Read more comments...
View photos of Whale of a Time at NAGC at Explorers Club 2011, London

Whale of a Time at Beam Parklands Wetland
working in Partnership with Barking & Dagenham Community Rangers, funded by the National Lottery Fund
1st October (Sat)
10:30 am to 12:30 pm
The Natural Play Area, just off The Bull roundabout where Ballards Road meets Rainham Road South.
The Leys (Park, Wetland site), London, RM10 9QH
Nearest Tube station: Dagenham East, approx. 800m north of site, along Rainham Road South.
View Google Map
Download Wetland map (doc)
After the success of July Community Launch at Beam Parklands Wetland, Whale of a Time came back again working in partnership with Barking & Dagenham Park Rangers and the local community exploring British wildlife such as Great Crested Newt, Emperor Dragon Fly, Water Vole, Reed Warblers, Reed Bunting (Birds!), Heron, Stag Beetle, Grass Snakes, Common Lizard, Frog, Harvestman Spider and many other species.
Ruth Clarricoates, Barking & Dagenham Community Park Ranger, commented, "Whale of a Time has been the most popular event out of all of them (Barking & Dagenham Community Park events) in the whole year.”
Dominic, Community Park Ranger said, "Great fun workshop! Lots of cool animals."
"Alice (7), George (10) and Grace (4) really enjoyed making clay models and learning about endangered animals. They are looking forward to painting them later. Great fun."
Jessie Potts (3 1/2 years) and mother said, "Jessie made a lizard and butterfly. She's had great fun. She loves to get messy..."
"I had a good time making my woodpecker."
Debbie (mother) said, "Billy (2), Horry (4) had a good time making snakes in the parklands."
Poppy aged 8 said, "I loved this clay making. I hope to come here again. Thank you xxx"
Read more comments... / July Community Launch - July Whale Review
View photos of Whale of a Time at Beam Parklands, October 2011, London
Whale of a Time won the London region of the Future Friendly Awards 2011, the NHS Lambeth Community Wellbeing Competition 2010 and Making a Big Difference Award 2010, and was nominated for the London Peace Award 2010 and 2011, the Archant London Business Award 2010 and the Archant London Environmental Awards 2009.
Find out more information about the Whale of a Time Workshop.
Watch photos and videos or read comments in our Whale Reviews.
Join us on our inspiring journey of previous and upcoming Whale of a Time Workshops. - All at a glance in the Whale Diary!
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Please sign following petitions to change someone's life
Stop the Belo Monte Monster Dam!
"This is a tragic day for the Amazon," said Atossa Soltani, executive director of Amazon Watch.
São Paulo, Brazil – Brazil's environmental agency gave final approval on Wednesday for a giant hydroelectric power plant in the Amazon rain forest that has been at the center of a protracted battle between the government and environmentalists over the fate of indigenous people.
Please sign Amazon petition
Rights For Mother Earth!
In partnership with the Global Alliance for Rights of Nature, Global Exchange has launched a global grassroots letter and signature campaign in support of Rights of Nature. Their vision is to engage 1,000,000 people in signing petitions or writing a letter to their President or head of state. They intend to have a delegation of young people deliver the letters to EarthSummit2012/Rio+20.
Please sign Rights For Mother Earth petition
Save the Saddest Dolphins
The pod was swimming peacefully in the Solomon Islands when nets closed in from behind -- trapping 25 wild dolphins for a luxury resort's latest exhibit. They are now locked in tiny pens, starved of food -- but we can free them.
Please sign Dolphin petition
World to Dilma: Save the Amazon
The Amazon is in serious danger. The lower house of the Brazilian congress has approved a gutting of Brazil’s forest protection laws. Unless we act now vast tracts of our planet’s lungs could be opened up to clear cutting devastation.
Please sign Amazon petition
Become a "Friend of the Whale" by joining the Whale of a Time Community and help raise awareness of our beautiful planet while having a whale of a time!
Stay tuned and subscribe to the Whale Mail!
Have a whale of a time! :)
Your Whale of a Time Community
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